
Drew Cunningham

Elder & lead pastor

Drew serves as the senior pastor of Santa Cruz Baptist Church. Drew graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University with a B.A. in Biblical Languages as well as an M.Div. and a Th.M. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife Shannon have been married since 2007 and currently have four children (Carsyn, Cruz, Ruby and Asher). He enjoys surfing, music, reading, camping/backbacking, the San Francisco Giants, volleyball, and anything to do with coffee.



Matt Bradberry

kyleen Bradberry

John Dzimianski

Melissa Forshner

Ryan Ollenburger

BoBBy paul

Rob hunt

Elder/associate Pastor of Discipleship

Rob serves as the assistant pastor of Santa Cruz Baptist Church. Rob graduated from Baylor University with a B.S. in Education, as well as an M.S. Ed. from Baylor University in Educational Administration. He and his wife Kellie (a physical therapist in Santa Cruz) have been married since 1995 and have three children (Ben, Rachel and Lily). He enjoys all kinds of sports, gardening, reading and his Big Green Egg (Texas BBQ).


Missy Paul

children’s ministry director

Missy was born and raised in Santa Cruz where she currently lives with her husband(Bobby) and four children(Grace, Tyler, Ellie and Hope). She loves spending time with her family, going to the beach, reading, taking walks with good friends and holding babies! Her passion is sharing Christ's love and grace with children.


Renee Ollenburger

Administrative Assistant

Renee was born & raised in Santa Cruz County. She and her husband Ryan have been married since 1992 and have 3 children (Nathan, Kendall & Caroline). She enjoys cooking, gardening, and spending time with family & friends.


Ben Sylvester

Youth PaStor

Ben serves as the Youth Pastor of Santa Cruz Baptist Church. Ben graduated from Oklahoma State University with a B.S.B.A. in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Following Oklahoma State, he also got a Certificate of Biblical Studies and Leadership from The Kanakuk Institute in 2023. He is currently pursuing an M.Div. online through Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He enjoys surfing, traveling to different countries, music, playing basketball, the OKC Thunder, nerding out over coffee, and anything related to Spider-Man


Elizabeth Turner

Girls Intern

Elizabeth serves as the summer youth intern at Santa Cruz Baptist Church. Elizabeth is originally from Mississippi and graduated from the University of Mississippi with a B.S. in Dietetics and Nutrition. Following Ole Miss, Elizabeth attended the Kanakuk Institute where she received seminary credits and a Certificate of Biblical Studies and Leadership. She enjoys playing tennis, attending all kinds of sporting events, dancing & singing (only for fun), traveling the world, and discovering high-quality chocolate.